Going overboard in DC

I’m in DC this week for a work trip, which I do 3-4 times a year. I always stay with my cousins who live in Alexandria when I’m down there, and my cousin Michele usually squeezes in a trip to one outlet or another while I’m there… Today she took me to the Crate and…

My first Banksia

I made this blouse Memorial Day weekend this year, and I didn’t get around to blogging it until now.  My brother does a big memorial day camp out on my family’s farm every memorial day, so I was out in western MA for that.  BUT the weather was really abysmal that weekend, so I spent…

Chiffon Maxi Skirt

It turns out my ill-advised love affair with chiffon is not over.  It’s a tricky minx- slithering around, fraying every which way, bunching up behind the needle.  I keep trying to swear it off…. but then I wandered over to windmil fabrics on my lunchbreak yesterday and saw these gorgeous blue stripes.  So I thought…

New sewing box!

I bought a new sewing box today.  It’s a vintage makeup case from Sears. I bought it to take to the six week long sewing class I’m taking this summer.  The first class is tomorrow and I’m pretty stoked. I don’t know what to expect as the website was pretty confusing.  I think it’s a…

My first foray back into sewing

  I’ve only recently returned to the world of sewing.  My mom, a prolific quilter, taught me how to sew as a kid, but my impatience and total lack of interest in mainstream sewing patterns led me to abandon it for years.  I got into a lot of other crafty pursuits- knitting being chief among…